Sep 22

What's going on?

What's going on in the neighbourhood with Read what is currently being worked on!

New - Meta pages: 🥜 Nutshell and 💎 Gems

While using the app I noticed that when you just want to have a quick overview of what is happening right now, you need to visit all the pages and check the trending topics. So there is now a page called Nutshell that does exactly that. Because the internet likes scrolling, you can just scroll through your Nutshell while more and more trending topics are loaded. So after doing that, you know what is going on. But what about the blogger that handcrafted a great article, that is now buried in all the content and has no chance to appear in a trend? That is what the "Gems" page is about.

On the Gems page we take care of another problem - some feeds do not publish articles often and their content gets buried. The Gems page shows you articles of feeds that publish less then once in 24 hours.


That way you won't miss any blog posts or podcasts.

But what about the rest? No worries - the rest stays as usual! The new "meta" pages are just two more ways to deal with the news jungle.

Welcome to the jungle

Coming - 🇪🇸 Spanish and 🇮🇹 Italian language support

Started collecting content for adding spanish and italian language support. This might take some months (probably should have started earlier 😬) until it is usable, and I cannot really check if it is working correctly apart from a rough sanity check, but it is being added and we will see how it works out for you.

Thinking about - Read later

Thinking about a read later page, because sometimes you find something interesting and have no time. I am pretty sure it is coming!

On ice - Web2Rss

Started a test balloon of parsing websites and generating RSS feeds from them. There are some services who do that but I wanted a tailored solution so I hacked something together. I tried creating a feed of the hyperdrive section on I currently use it and it works with some drawbacks. Some outcomes:

Those points made me stop working on that feature, because I am not sure if it makes much sense to pursue for nooshub.

And more..

Always improving performance and removing bugs, if you find anything - let us know! You can contact us via email on the support page, @nooshub on twitter, or on reddit (don't know how it works yet though 😂)

Till next time!